Three book covers
Three book covers

We Are All Part of Europe!

This book is an adapted version of the German original „Europa ist für alle! — Vom Homo sapiens zum Homo Europaeus

Here you will find the blurb, table of contents and some parts of the contents of my book “We Are All Part of Europe! - From Homo Sapiens to Homo Europaeus"

I am always grateful for suggestions, corrections and tips. You are welcome to forward these to me via my private website.


Andrew Duff (23 November 2021)

“I enjoyed it. You have a vigorous writing style which should impact on the reader. Perhaps you underestimate some of the political and legal obstacles in the path of a federal Europe – but your optimism is welcome.”

You can find my author page here: Heinrich Kümmerle

The paperback has the ISBN 978-3-9823571-0-2

The hard cover has the ISBN 978-3-9823571-4-0

You can purchase the book via Amazon, in bookstores or directly from me (

Paperback | Hardcover text on blurb

Heinrich Kümmerle is not only an avowed citizen of the world and a militant federalist, he has also been a European Federalist for a good three decades as well as the district chairman of the EUROPA-UNION Heilbronn since 2005.

With this book, which summarises his previous lectures about Europe and the European Idea, Kümmerle hopes to convince his fellow citizens of what Europe can be and win their commitment to such an Europe with its contribution to world peace.

Furthermore, this book is also intended to provide those who deal scientifically with Europe with the basics and documents in order to gain a deeper insight into the way of thinking and behavioural patterns of federalists on the one hand, and a quick overview of the history of the European unification movement.

I am delighted that I found an ideal translator for this endeavour in Philippa Carr; not only is she a renowned German into British and American Translator, but also holds a Master of Arts in European Governance and Politics. And the fact that she is an English lady living in Germany and Europe and therefore able to understand my thoughts perfectly, makes her the ideal candidate for translating this book into English.

I extend my greatest thanks to her for agreeing to translate this book, and also for ensuring a pleasant working relationship during this time.

Table of contents


iii. Foreword German edition

  1. Introduction
  2. We Humans

    2.1. Togetherness

    2.2. International Law

    2.3. Citizenship

    2.4. Europeans

    2.4.1. Council of Europe

    2.4.2. European Union (EU)

  3. European Area — in Search of Identity
  4. European Identity versus Globalisation?
  5. European Unification

    5.1. First Signs

    5.2. Unification of European Movements

    5.3. The Consequences of Hertenstein and Luxembourg 1946

    5.3.1. Conference of Hertenstein 1946

    5.3.2. Conference of Luxembourg 1946

    5.3.3. From Basel to Paris 1946

    5.3.4. Congress of Amsterdam 1947

    5.3.5. The Congress of Montreux 1947
    5.3.6. Other Unification Movements in the Early Years

    5.4. Congress of Europe at the Hague 1948

    5.5. European Unification Movements in Germany

    5.5.1. From Hamburg via Ascheberg to Mönchengladbach 1947

    5.5.2. From Eutin to Hamburg (1947-1949)
    5.5.3. Special Status Youth

    5.6. Discrepancies and Overcoming Them

  6. Unification of the Nation States

    6.1. The Organisation of the West (1944-1986)

    6.1.1. Organization for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC) 1948

    6.1.2. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 1949

    6.1.3. Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) 1951

    6.1.4. European Defence Community (EDC) & European Political Community (EPC) 1952

    6.1.5. Western European Union (WEU) – Paris Treaties 1954

    6.1.6. Treaty of Rome of 25 March 1957

    6.1.7. European Communities (EC) – ‘Merger Treaty’ 1965

    6.1.8. Overcoming the French Blockade – Hague Summit 1969

    6.1.9. European Council – Paris Summit 1974

    6.1.10. The Tindemans Report of 29 December 1975
    6.1.11. Genscher-Colombo-Initiative 1981 – European Act

    6.1.12. Single European Act (SEA) 1986

    6.2. Integration of the Former Eastern Bloc (1986 until Present)

    6.2.1. EU – Treaty of Maastricht 1992

    6.2.2. Treaty of Amsterdam 1997

    6.2.3. Treaty of Nice 2000

    6.2.4. The Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe 2004

    6.2.5. Treaty of Lisbon 2009

    6.3. Further Periphery (Look into the Future)

    6.4. BREXIT and Nationalist Renaissance (Glance at the Past)

    6.5. Participation of European Federalists in the Unification Process

  7. Beginning or End - Attempt at a Summary

    7.1. United States of Europe

    7.2. Mediterranean Union

    7.3. Atlantic Alliance

    7.4. Eurafrica

    7.5. Western World

    7.6. World Union

    7.7. A Quickly Told Ending

  8. Opportunities For Participation

    8.1. World Federalist Movement (WFM)

    8.2. Union of European Federalists (UEF)

    8.3. European Movement Germany (EBD)

    8.4. EUROPA-UNION Germany (EUD)

    8.5. Young European Federalists (JEF)

    8.6. Political Parties and Voting Blocs

    8.7. Associations and Interest Groups

  9. Final Review
  10. List of Abbreviations
  11. Personenverzeichnis
  12. Literaturverzeichnis
  13. Anhänge

    1 - Entschließungstext der Federal Union (1939)

    2 - Programm der Europa-Union (1940)

    3 - Das Manifest von Ventotene (1941)

    4 - Deklarationen des europäischen Widerstands (1944)

    5 - Hertensteiner Programm (1946)

    6 - Montreux Deklaration (1947)

    7 - Resolution zur allgemeinen Politik (1947)
    8 - Political Resolution of the Congress of Europe (1948)

    9 - Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)

    10 - Entschließung des I. Ordentlichen Kongresses (1949)

    11 - Schuman-Declaration (1950)
    12 - Föderalistische Charta (1964)

    13 - Zwölf Thesen für Europa (1964)

    14 - Projet Définitif (1972)

    15 - Political Declaration (1973)

    16 - Kieler Programm für Europa (1979)

    17 - Charta der Europäischen Identität (1995)

    18 - Charta der Grundrechte der Europäischen Union (2009)

    19 - Düsseldorfer Programm (2012)

    20 - UEF Manifesto „Towards Federal Union” (2013)

    21 - Heilbronner Aufruf der EUROPA-UNION und der JEF (2017)

    22 - European Symbols (chapter 11 in the paper back)

14. Ergänzende Dokumente

1 - William Penn (1693)

2 - Immanuel Kant (1795)

3 - Aristide Briand (1930)

4 - Ansprache Raymond M. Jung d’Arsac (2006)

5 - Charta 77 (1977)

6 - Charta 08 (2008)

7 - Wege zur Wahrung der Einheit in der EU27 (2016)

8 - UEF-Kongresse

9 - Bundeskongresse der EUROPA-UNION

About the Translator

This book was translated into British English by Philippa Carr MA who is a renowned German into British and American English translator in politics and international relations.

Philippa has an academic background in German and translation studies from the prestigious University of Warwick, as well as holding a Master of Arts in European Governance and Politics. These two complementary academic disciplines enable her to provide expert quality translations in the political sector.

Some of Philippa's distinguished clients include the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, the Jewish Claims Conference and the Leibniz Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam.

This is now her second German into British book translation on a political theme. The first book entitled 'FeMALE Diplomacy: Women in Foreign Policy' was published in 2019 on behalf of Elisabeth Motschmann MdB (Member of Parliament). It was launched and presented at the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in New York, and gained international acclaim.

The hallmark of Philippa's translations is her ability to conduct thorough research on the topic and to compile and use her own glossaries to ensure consistency and accuracy for the reader.

If you would like to find out more about Philippa's translation portfolio and areas of expertise, please take a look at her website at:

About the Proofreader

Christopher Spurgin has proofread a broad range of translations from German to English. He was educated at Ermysted's Grammar School, Skipton, and read languages at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. Christopher also has experience proofreading texts of a political nature.


Heinrich Kümmerle, Werderstraße 135/1 in D-74074 Heilbronn | Verlagsnummer: 978-3-9823571 | e-mail: | Remissionsrichtlinie für Buchhändler

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